
Welcome to my shop, where you can buy things that are dear to me:

- shirts and pullovers stemming from the Whackyself adventure, where I fullfilled my dream of creating my own clothing designs (and wearing the heck out of them daily!). I just really wanted a cool streetwear brand that would be queer, colorful and pussylicious, and most of all, humorous! 

- prints of (self-care) drawings and inspirational quotes from the recent years (these come either from self-care or self-encouragement, they are part of my spiritual practice, and I am also delighted to share them with you - I would love my life to be much more spiritual much more of the time, especially with other people!)

- sapphic erotic drawings I made a while ago (I broke up with my gf since then, but I still love the drawings! It was such a delightful exploration to try to find my own erotic narrative, my own erotic voice! It felt very empowering, and I hope it empowers you too! Also, I just love sapphic and lesbian erotica, and want to contribute more of this into the world)

Noemika is a creative brand by the artist Noemi Veberic Levovnik aka Noemika, a queer, neurodivergeant artist. It is my umbrella ella ella and I hope you will join me underneath, so only our feet will get deliciously soaked (or anything up to our belts), in this wild summer rain!

A bit more about me?

I have been an interdisciplinary artist since I was tiny, always creating between all of my big artistic loves: literature (hungry hungry bookwarm and writer who is obssesed with creative non-fiction, poetry and queer erotica), performance art (especially cabaret, dance, musicals and sometimes trips to contemporary theatre), contemporary art (yummy days spent alone at the museums are one of my favorite escapes), and music (I love so many genres it's ridiculous, but the most unexpected is probably sugary pop of 70s, 80s, 90s). I sing and dance to Mariah Carey and Dionne Warwick and Earth Wind and Fire (did I get that right?) on the daily!

My work has been presented in galleries and museums, mainly through complex spatial installations featuring drawings, paintings, videos, sound works, artist books, photographs. I have sailed through more then 10 solo exhibitions and many more group exhibitions in Slovenia and across the world. 

I also have a Substack! Please subscribe :)

And my book of poetry Let My Pussy Speak (which has inspired one of the clothing collections) is still looking for an agent and a publisher!

Noemika was created to give some structure to my work and have a place to finally offer all of my creative products in one place.


You wanna read more? Here is the rest, you hungry hungry Hippo!

All of the clothing collections are inspired by or directly made as part of my artistic practice, ranging from drawing, installation, performance art, cabaret, to creation of pop songs, Let my Pussy Speak series of poetry and embodiment work.

I also get inspired by my daily ups and downs as a queer woman, neurodivergeant wierdo who struggles with mental health, and I draw inspirations from my wild dating life as a queer woman as well as the LGBTQA+ culture I feel extremly nerdy about!

My aesthetics? I feel inspired by all kinds of infuances, from my knowledge of art history (including movies!!) to (queer) pop influences, graffiti, rap culture, fashion of the the 1960s to 2000s. I do love a good retro touch. And a good touch, at that...

My first mission is to empower (all) women (in the largest and queerest sense of this definition) and neurodivergenant wonderpeople. I want to inspire self-love and healing through humor, beauty and poetry. My brand is sex-positive and passionatly artsy!

All of the clothing designs are eco-consciouss and (for now) printed in Germany.